- Microsserviços com Spring Boot e ORM. Palestra (UFSJ), 2019.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_orm, author = {}, title = {Microsserviços com Spring Boot e ORM}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/palestra-microsservios-com-spring-boot-e-orm}, zip = {http://www.dcc.ufla.br/~terra/public_files/2019_palestra_orm_projeto_e_recursos.zip}, howpublished = {Palestra (UFSJ)}, }
- Apostila Linguagens Formais e Autômatos (LFA). 2019.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_lfa, author = {}, title = {Apostila Linguagens Formais e Aut\^{o}matos (LFA)}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/apostila-linguagens-formais-e-autmatos-lfa-76303732}, }
- Which Programming Language is the best one?. Palestra (IFTM, COTEMIG, UFLA, FUMEC, IFSUDESTEMG), 2016.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_best_pl, author = {}, title = {Which Programming Language is the best one?}, year = {2016}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2014-palestra-bestpl}, howpublished = {Palestra (IFTM, COTEMIG, UFLA, FUMEC, IFSUDESTEMG)}, }
- Engenharia de Software: POC. Palestra (UNIVALE, UFSJ), 2016.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_es_poc, author = {}, title = {Engenharia de Software: POC}, year = {2016}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2014-palestra-espoc}, howpublished = {Palestra (UNIVALE, UFSJ)}, }
- Análise Estática de Código: Aplicações. Palestra (UFSJ), 2015.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_aec_aplicacoes, author = {}, title = {Análise Estática de Código: Aplicações}, year = {2015}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2015-palestra-aecaplicacoes}, howpublished = {Palestra (UFSJ)}, }
- Apostila Java. 2014.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_java, author = {}, title = {Apostila Java}, year = {2014}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/apostila-java-completa}, }
- Apostila C ANSI. 2014.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_c_ansi, author = {}, title = {Apostila C ANSI}, year = {2014}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/apostila-c-ansi-completa}, }
- Refactoring. Palestra (COTEMIG, UFMG), 2013.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_refactoring, author = {}, title = {Refactoring}, year = {2013}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2013-palestra-refactoring}, zip = {http://www.dcc.ufla.br/~terra/public_files/2013_palestra_refactoring_eclipse_project.zip}, howpublished = {Palestra (COTEMIG, UFMG)}, }
- Programacao Orientada a Aspectos. Palestra (COTEMIG, FAMINAS, FUMEC, PUC SG, UNIPAC BQ), 2013.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_poa, author = {}, title = {Programacao Orientada a Aspectos}, year = {2013}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2013-palestra-poa}, zip = {http://www.dcc.ufla.br/~terra/public_files/2013_palestra_aop_video.zip}, howpublished = {Palestra (COTEMIG, FAMINAS, FUMEC, PUC SG, UNIPAC BQ)}, }
- Matematica Computacional. 2013.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_matematica_computacional, author = {}, title = {Matematica Computacional}, year = {2013}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2013-palestra-matematicacomputacional}, }
- English—and LaTeX—Writing Tips. 2013.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_english_writing_tips, author = {}, title = {English---and LaTeX---Writing Tips}, year = {2013}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2013-palestra-englishlatexwritingtips}, }
- Casamento de Padroes. 2013.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_casamento_padroes, author = {}, title = {Casamento de Padroes}, year = {2013}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2013-palestra-casamentopadroes}, }
- Apostila Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados (AEDS). 2013.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_aeds, author = {}, title = {Apostila Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados (AEDS)}, year = {2013}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2013-apostila-aeds}, }
- Seguranca da Internet. Palestra (FACSAL, FUMEC, PUG SG), 2012.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_seguranca_internet, author = {}, title = {Seguranca da Internet}, year = {2012}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2012-palestra-segurancainternet}, howpublished = {Palestra (FACSAL, FUMEC, PUG SG)}, }
- Java Net: Interagindo com a Internet. Palestra (PUC SG), 2011.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_java_net, author = {}, title = {{Java} {Net}: Interagindo com a {Internet}}, year = {2011}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2011-palestra-javanet}, zip = {http://www.dcc.ufla.br/~terra/public_files/2011_palestra_java_net_eclipse_project.zip}, howpublished = {Palestra (PUC SG)}, }
- Software Architecture Conformance and Repair. Palestra (CBSoft), 2011.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_arquitetura_software, author = {}, title = {Software Architecture Conformance and Repair}, year = {2011}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2011-palestra-arquiteturasoftware}, howpublished = {Palestra (CBSoft)}, }
- Aula Zero. 2011.
[Bibtex]@misc{aula_zero, author = {}, title = {Aula Zero}, year = {2011}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2011-aula-zero}, }
- Apostila Tecnologia da Informacao (TI). 2011.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_ti, author = {}, title = {Apostila Tecnologia da Informacao (TI)}, year = {2011}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2011-apostila-ti}, }
- Apostila Logica de Programacao. 2011.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_logica, author = {}, title = {Apostila Logica de Programacao}, year = {2011}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2011-apostila-logica}, }
- Java JDBC: Aplicacao Java que acessa um SGDB. Palestra (PUC SG), 2010.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_java_jdbc, author = {}, title = {Java JDBC: Aplicacao Java que acessa um SGDB}, year = {2010}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2010-palestra-javajdbc}, zip = {http://www.dcc.ufla.br/~terra/public_files/2010_palestra_java_jdbc_eclipse_project.zip}, howpublished = {Palestra (PUC SG)}, }
- Apostila XML, DTD, XSD e XSLT. 2009.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_xml, author = {}, title = {Apostila XML, DTD, XSD e XSLT}, year = {2009}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2009-apostila-xml}, }
- Apostila UML. 2009.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_uml, author = {}, title = {Apostila UML}, year = {2009}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2009-apostila-uml}, }
- Apostila Modelo ER (Entidade Relacionamento). 2009.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_modelo_er, author = {}, title = {Apostila Modelo ER (Entidade Relacionamento)}, year = {2009}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2009-apostila-modeloer}, }
- Analise Estatica de Codigo. Palestra (UNIPAC BQ), 2008.
[Bibtex]@misc{palestra_aec, author = {}, title = {Analise Estatica de Codigo}, year = {2008}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2008-palestra-aec}, howpublished = {Palestra (UNIPAC BQ)}, }
- Apostila XHTML. 2008.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_xhtml, author = {}, title = {Apostila XHTML}, year = {2008}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2008-apostila-xhtml}, }
- Apostila Oracle. 2008.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_oracle, author = {}, title = {Apostila Oracle}, year = {2008}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2008-apostila-oracle}, }
- Apostila Java Web (Servlets e JSPs). 2008.
[Bibtex]@misc{apostila_java_web, author = {}, title = {Apostila Java Web (Servlets e JSPs)}, year = {2008}, pdf = {http://www.slideshare.net/rterrabh/2008-apostila-javaweb}, }